Sunday, May 11, 2008

You've gotta be proud of me, Mommy::~ I'm nerding::~ =)

I'm soooooo looking forward to my exams~!!!
~sense the sarcasm~
but then again::~
I've to be positive in life right~???
Now's the time to have fun one last time b4 the exams arrives::~

Before that::~
Let's take a peek at the cutest celeb baby::~
Suri Cruise~!!!
Her hair colour lightened~!!!
That's so awesome::~

I wonder how come ours don't::~

Had cupcakes last week::~

I ate a "wing" of the butterfly::~
and it became a::~

Here's the collection I had to carry home::~
With the help of Chyi::~
Collection of management books, I meant:~
Wondering wad those ancient books are~???
(at the bottom of the stack)It's the Harvard Business Review journal articles~!!!
Unfortunately I ran outta time flippng tru them::~
So, didn't use much::~
Wad a waste, right~???

Assignment's are 90% over::~
There's just accounts left::~

anh then it's revision time::~
Good Luck to all my Monashian pals::~
I just found out that my Radioactive board shorts
had this funny tag::~

b4 peacing out::~

Here's my Mommy's day shoutout::~
Details of the celebration will be out later::~
I bought it like ages ago as a Mother's day gift too::~
In primary school, I think::~
Sweet right~???

That's a stunned look of me::~
That's all I do when approached with a camera at that time::~

I wasn't born a poser, people::~
I gotta say I'm impressed with my parent's photography skills::~
I was flippng tru the photos::~
It was either pics of me bawling, stoning or snoring::~
and suddenly there's this awfully perfect one::~
I look like a stud::~
You'd never take a glance at THAT picture and say
it's a baby GIRL right~???

I doubt it::~
Whether I looked like a dude or not::~
Now, thankfully, I look like Mommy::~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey can i knw where dya get those cupcakes.?thanks..